Goma Airport i Goma

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Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kontakter telefon: +243 992 161 659
Latitude: -1.6683325, Longitude: 29.2386163
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Kommentar 5

  • mukul khare

    mukul khare


    Life line and one of the most interesting airports to land amidst the nature and fury of nature... lake kivu looks massive... very basic amenities but still everything that is needed.. watch ur personal belongings... hit 👍like if u find review helpful

  • Luca Speziale

    Luca Speziale


    Very simple International Airport. Very important to don't trust anyone when you arrive! Pay attenction! It's possible that the local people steal all your staff! Don't trust anyone!

  • Vineet Kumar

    Vineet Kumar


    A very basic international airport in the eastern Congo which has a couple of international flights but at the same time happens to be the lifeline for the security and aid agencies working in the eastern part of the nation(see pics). The airport is situated just along the methane rich Lake Kivu, smoke emitting volcano of Nayaragongo and the international borders of Rawanda, which makes it one of the most risky airport in the region, but the view just after take off and before landing more than compensates for it(see pics). Bon Chance. Bon Voyage.

  • Nick Hobgood

    Nick Hobgood


    Basic services available. The dogleg at the end of the airstrip is an added attraction to landing. It is due to a lava flow that covered part of the airstrip.

  • Mikael Öhman

    Mikael Öhman


    Low security and bad runway. The security around the airport is a joke, people living very close to the runway and locals passing the runway as it is big road. Nice staff in the airport especially we found the airport-manager nice. About Goma I can tell if they get some order and build hotel with european fire-security this would be best holiday-town in the world, because it have about 20-25 degrees celsius all around the year.

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